Population: 1000 |
Churchill's Latitude is 58 Degrees 47 N
The Longitude is 94 Degrees 11 W
According to Census 2006, 56.41% of the population were aboriginal people.
Churchill is a part of Canadian shield region, made of granite and gneiss.
I took the longest car ride to Churchill. I decided to go all the way up to Churchil in order to see polar bears and to examine the permafrost and its condition. I doubt the ice would be would last long due to global warming, so I thought it would be interesting to visit Churchill.
I have visited Churchill to see polar bears. I planned to get on a special transportation bus called Tundra Buggy which allows many tourists to watch these dangerous hungry polar bears without risking any danger. However, it was in the summer when I visited and polar bear expedition only happened in October and November. I travelled all the way to Churchill to see polar bears, but I made the biggest mistake. Though I couldn't see polar bears, Churchill was also famous for another tourist attraction: birds. Churchill has more than 270 species of birds including Snowy Owl, Tundra Swan, American Golden Plover and Gyrfalcon. Plus, more than 100 birds, including Parasitic Jaeger, Smith's Longspur, Stilt Sandpiper, and Harris's Sparrow.
I enjoyed watching birds along with other tourist groups.
Lastly, at night I saw a aurora forming in the night sky. It was very interesting.
The main problem in any permafrost region is their melting ice. Due to the rise in temperature, ice has been melting, leading to rise in sea levels. These ice were home to penguins, polar bears and many other animals, but destruction in these due to our endless creation of gases will soon lead to extinction of these poor animals. These problems must be resolved, or the main tourist attraction of Churchill, Polar bears, willl no longer exist.
I enjoyed watching birds along with other tourist groups.
Tundra Buggy |
Lastly, at night I saw a aurora forming in the night sky. It was very interesting.
The main problem in any permafrost region is their melting ice. Due to the rise in temperature, ice has been melting, leading to rise in sea levels. These ice were home to penguins, polar bears and many other animals, but destruction in these due to our endless creation of gases will soon lead to extinction of these poor animals. These problems must be resolved, or the main tourist attraction of Churchill, Polar bears, willl no longer exist.
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